Aviation News

APC Honors the First Lady Pilot to Be a Commercial Airline Pilot

Published: 07-20-2020
In memory of Captain Emily, read about her sky-breaking story.

Pilot-Focused Advisor RAA to Give Free 401(k) Management Advice to Furloughed Pilots

Published: 07-16-2020
Read about RAA's plan to give free 401(k) management services to pilots.

Will the Government Ban the Middle Seat on Commercial Airplanes?

Published: 07-14-2020
As the COVID crisis continues, will the government heavily regulate passenger flights?

How Should Commercial Airline Pilots Deal with the Sun?

Published: 07-06-2020
Airline pilots are exposed to the sun all day. Here are the simple solutions to protect your eyes and skin.

FAA No Longer Requires Face Masks

Published: 06-29-2020
The FAA regulations have changed. Will airlines take the lead on face masks?

New Dangers of Flying Near-Empty Airplanes

Published: 06-21-2020
Are you weighing the risks of flying a near-empty airplane?

New Bill Proposed After Boeing Investigation

Published: 06-15-2020
Will this new Senate bill prevent future Boeing situations?

When Will the First All-Electric Commercial Aircraft Take Flight?

Published: 06-08-2020
Are we decades away or is the first all-electric commercial flight just around the corner?

How Airlines Decide to Retire Airplanes

Published: 06-01-2020
Can you tell if your favorite aircraft is headed to retirement?

Do You Have What it Takes to Be a Space Pilot?

Published: 05-26-2020
Find out if you'll be piloting the new Virgin Galactic flights.

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