Aviation Articles

Financial Disaster Plan

Published: 07-17-2006
When a catastrophe hits, you need to think, move and act quickly.

Buying a Second Home

Published: 07-17-2006
A second home and a rental property are two separate things. Consider both with the same logical approach you would use to evaluate any investment.

Jumpseating: Got Etiquette?

Published: 07-07-2006
Jumpseating is a professional courtesy among airline pilots, and one of the best benefits of being a pilot.  It is used to commute to and from work and for leisure travel. The captain is the final authority as to who rides and is not to be challenged for any reason. If denied a jumpseat, say "thanks anyway" and try a different flight.

Raising the Bar

Published: 07-04-2006
Read about minimums for starting pilots as well as new and updated requirements for getting yourself in the air.

Funny Alaskan Airlines Commercial

Published: 06-18-2006
Check out this funny Alaskan Airlines commercial! It's quite disco-tastic.

Meals on the Run 101

Published: 05-27-2006
Having a hard time finding nutritious, delicious food when you only have 30 minutes between plane changes? Or do you find yourself catching the last hotel shuttle arriving too late to get dinner at the hotel restaurant or room service? Eating right on the road can be a huge challenge for flight crews. As a nutritionist married to a pilot, this topic has surfaced too many times to count over the years. It really comes down to one basic principle- plan ahead.

ID Theft

Published: 05-24-2006
What should I do if my personal information has been lost or stolen? If you've lost personal information or identification, or if it has been stolen from you, taking certain steps quickly can minimize the potential for identity theft Financial accounts: Close accounts, like credit cards and bank accounts, immediately. When you open new accounts, place passwords on them. Avoid using your mother's maiden name, your birth date, the last four digits of your Social Security number or your phone number, or a series of consecutive numbers.

Military Leave

Published: 05-24-2006
USERRA is codified in Title 38, United States Code, Sections 4301 through 4333. It applies to all employers and is intended to minimize the disruption that military service can cause to both employers and employees.

Which Font to Use In Your Resume?

Published: 05-24-2006
For our profession as airline pilots, it's smart to be conservative in your choice. The font you decide on gives your resume a particular personality.

The Whitlow Letter

Published: 05-24-2006
Lots of folks have heard the name, but what is the Whitlow letter and how does it apply to our operations here at UPS? James Whitlow served as the Deputy Chief Counsel for the FAA and on November 20, 2000, he provided an interpretation of FAR 121.471 which is known as the Whitlowletter. It came in response to an October 15, 2000 episode of 60Minutes titled Sleepless in the Cockpit. Whitlow responded to several questions posed by the Allied Pilots Association and clarified several gray areas. In particular, he noted that under existing regulations, flight time is limited to eight hours a duty period but may be exceeded in actual operation due to circumstances beyond the control of the carrier.

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