Aviation Articles

Why Pilots Fly into Hurricanes

Published: 09-09-2019
Would you be a Hurricane Hunter?

Are Pilots Ready to Fly the Boeing 737 Max Airplane Again?

Published: 09-03-2019
With new software and included safety features, are you willing to give the Boeing 737 Max a second chance?

2 Effects Climate Change Will Have On Aviation

Published: 08-26-2019
What is up with our skies?

Is Working for Customs and Border Protection a Good Option to Become a Pilot?

Published: 08-19-2019
Delta, JetBlue, and... Customs and Border Protection? Who do you want to fly for?

Top Programs to Encourage Women Pilots

Published: 08-12-2019
The proportion of women pilots is too low. Let's do better.

Qatar vs US Airlines – Will Pilots Be Hurt?

Published: 08-05-2019
CEOs meet Trump over a potentially violated trade agreeement.

First All-Electric Airplane Enters FAA Certification Program

Published: 07-29-2019
How far are we from all-electric commercial passenger flights?

Will These New Airplane Wings Prevent New Taxes?

Published: 07-22-2019
Carbon may soon cost the airlines. These wings may save them.

Why Fully-Automated Airplanes Aren't Likely to Happen Any Time Soon

Published: 07-15-2019
Airbus says it's technologically ready, so what's the hold up?

Are Windows A Relic of the Past? A Look into Windowless Cockpits and Windowless Aircraft

Published: 07-08-2019
Who are you going to trust - cameras or your own eyes?

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